Saturday, August 9, 2008

I feel wierd

Have you ever woken up in the morning and thought, "Hmmm. Something is growing inside of me."? It's a wierd thought. So Wednesday I was on the never ending conquest to rearrange things in our house and suddenly remembered that my monthly cleansing cycle (sorry, men but it happens) which was supposed to so gloriously start on Sunday had yet to rear it's head. That got me to thinking. Which made me realize I didn't remember last month's glory time. Interesting. So I took a home pregnancy test which turned out POSITIVE. Let me say that again: POSITIVE. Did you get a little dizzy? Because I sure did. Once my brain started functioning again I made an appointment at the OB/GYN for Thursday morning.

Thursday morning comes and I wake up about 85 times thinking I hear my alarm but somehow end up five minutes late for the appointment. As I'm waiting in extreme anticipation for the lady to call me back, a little baby in the waiting room starts screaming. Not sure how I feel about this. Finally they call me back but I haven't sucked down enough water to make a go at the test so I get to wait some more. Waiting is NOT my favorite. I'm sitting in the back waiting room furiously drinking water and trying to act normal (as if this is normal) wondering which way I want the test to swing. Finally I decide it's already done whatever it is and I try to focus my attention elsewhere. But that's not very easy considering women at every stage of pregnancy are constantly walking by me. Every time this happens I smile and think, "Don't mind me. I'm not even sure if I'm part of the club yet."

Finally I'm ready for the test, everything comes out fine and I leave the bathroom to venture for my second waiting room seat. As I walk out the bathroom door two things happened almost simultaneously: A very pregnant lady (I'm talking HUGE bump) walks in and closes the door just as my nurse walks around the corner to grab the delicious sample. So I get to wait some more. Holy cow. This is out of control. The pregnant lady finally emerges from the bathroom and my nurse grabs the sample. Well, probably not "grabs" because that would have very wet results. Ick.

Eventually my nurse comes around the corner with a "Yep, you are deffinately pregnant." Wow. Not a, "Guess what?!" or even a, "You are pregnant." but slaps on a big 'ole "deffinately". Somehow this makes it seem more solidified. But I guess if I am going to be pregnant I might as well "deffinately" be.

1 comment:

Melinda said...

I love your blog, keep copies so you can share with your children when they grow up.
Remember the calendar that I kept everyday the first year for each of you? At the time it seemed lame, sometimes I just wrote.."Samantha smiled today" but now I am so glad because those notes bring back such powerful memories.
I am so happy for you both you will have a very feisty curly headed comedian on your hands.
And I know you don't agree but they will probably have red hair. My great grandma had red hair and my colorist assures me that I do too. Love Mom