Monday, August 11, 2008

Holy Holy Holy

Holy Holy Holy I'm really having a baby. WOW. And why does my house seem so dirty all of a sudden? Seriously. I can't keep it clean enough. No matter how much I vacuum, the carpet still feels gross. New carpet would be nice. But I don't think Hunter would let me do that every month. Also we have three pets who add to the messiness: a one year old chocolate lab named Bella, a three year old black, gray, white and brown striped cat named Majin (pronounced Maw-gin) and a two year old really fat orange cat named Kimba. Majin is the only one who has figured it out so far. He's the smart one.

We think Majin is the one who is going to be the most protective- but not scary protective like the bad version of the Terminator or anything...just an always-by-your-side kind of protection. Kimba is totally the princess of...the world probably. When we brought Bella home, Kimba was so not happy for about a month. Everytime we made eye contact with her she looked Asain. We are pretty sure her major thought was, "How dare you bring something into my house without my permission." So we think she might be a bit upset about a new human ruling her life. Bella is still a puppy so as long as she has something to chew on she's pretty much happy. Not sure what she is going to do so that should be interesting.

Totally unrelated but totally great: I remember watching Roseanne on Nick at Night in college and Dan had all of his old high school football buddies over for some sort of a reunion. They were all bragging about the most painful/crazy things they went through back in the day when Roseanne so gracefully entered the scene. She waits for a pause in the convo and says, "Well one time I went to the hospital and a few hours later, a human being came out of me."


AK said...

Yaaaaaay Poosies! I don't know what I'm more excited for...the blog, or the baby.

Melinda said...

Carol Burnette once said the only way she could explain what childbirth was to imagine taking your lower lip and forcing it over your head....