Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Everything is getting bigger. Everything.

Until recently (like yesterday) I was under the terrible misconception that being pregnant would only involve changes in my belly: namely a cute little bump and the feeling of movement. Oh and I would get to eat everything I wanted. The reality of it is everything- hello seriously everything- decides to go along for the growing ride. My pillow even got bigger (upgraded from a normal person size to a humongous body pillow). When Hunter woke up this morning he said something like, "Did the bed feel crowded to you last night?" And it totally did. Not only are my husband and I sleeping in it, but the baby (and potentially babies) are along with this body pillow that takes up more room than I do. Also, our orange cat likes to sleep in the middle of us at night but now there is not room for her and she is so not happy about it. Eventually she finds a place anyway like Hunter's chest or in between my feet or legs. However, this ridiculously large pillow has TOTALLY revolutionized my sleeping patterns. Now I have something to support my growing belly and to shove between my legs when I can't stand them touching. Funny thing about that...when Hunter came home from work and saw the pillow he said exactly this: "You better put my face on that thing." Moving on...

My appetite is absolutely ridiculous. One minute I will be craving Cheez-its so I shove a few handfuls in my face and the next minute I feel like if I eat one more single cracker I will throw up everything I have ever eaten. I have NOT thrown up so far and really don't think I will. Praise the Lord! But there are still waves of such deliciousness that so lovingly come on me so I have to knock those bad boys right back down. Also, I absolutely have to have anything with potatoes. I could probably have four varieties of potatoes for dinner and be completely satisfied. Mmmm. Delicious.

So yesterday I went to Target for the huge pillow and a few maternity clothes. Despite being surrounded by every college student and their roommate searching for things to fill their dorm rooms, it felt totally normal buying clothes for my growing belly when it seriously looks just a little fat instead of a little pregnant. Totally normal. I got a couple of pairs of jeans- PRAISE GOD- because my other jeans made me want to vomit when I zipped them up. And I totally used to make fun of the stretchy band at the top of maternity pants but now I am undeniably grateful to whomever invented that wonderful piece of gloriousness. It is so unbelievably comfortable that there just aren't words great enough for it in the English language. I also got a few shirts...but not maternity shirts because they fit me like Hunter's robe would fit our fat cat. Which would be not at all. I had to revert to the regular section with all of the sorority girls (not even joking- they were everywhere) carrying their purses with no problem and holding about 1,200 pounds of clothes in one hand while browsing with the other. My cute self, on the other hand, had to push a cart because my purse is entirely too heavy to carry now without getting fatigued and I somehow no longer have the capability to browse for clothes AND hold them at the same time. I would seriously need a nap about every 10 minutes. Insane. So with my purse where the baby goes and two pairs of maternity pants draped on top of them with the elastic band proudly showing, I shoved my cart through the teeny aisles and navigated around sorority girl after sorority girl to find three shirts that I could wear in a bigger size without looking fat but actually look sort of pregnant.

Once I was finished with the clothes escapade, I headed off to find a new light bulb for our fridge (because ours inconveniently burned out- the nerve) and for a huge pillow so I could hopefully sleep through the night and only wake up when my bladder decides it's time. Then all of a sudden I became extremely weak and hungry at the same time. Well, I hadn't eaten for at least 30 minutes so I really should have expected it. Crimeny. So I finish shopping as quickly as possible, this time navigating around a ton of freshmen guys, all with their roommates, all wearing brand new, dark green, UNCC shirts. By the time I got to the car, I was rapidly loosing motivation to continue moving. It started to sound really good to just take a nap in my car until Hunter could get off work and bring me some food...in the form of potatoes. But I'm an over comer so I left the plaza and got all the way to the light...right where I could see the McDonald's across the street but not get to it. I thought I was going to pass out. Doesn't the traffic light system know I'm pregnant? Seriously. Once I finally got through the drive-thru and asked for the biggest fry they could give me...and a sprite because that sounded so freaking good...I shoved that whole box of fries down my throat so fast that the last fry was as hot as the first glorious fried piece of potatoey goodness. By then I was about five minutes from passing the next McDonald's and about 10 minutes from home. And I was still hungry. So I pulled through the second drive-thru of the half hour- I sure did- and ordered another huge fry, a medium sprite and a double cheeseburger (you know, for the protein). I ripped that burger out of it's package so fast it didn't know what hit it. Then I devoured the entire thing in about 35 seconds praising God the entire time for food. A few minutes later I was home and was so exhausted that I had to lay on the couch and rest until Hunter came home from work about half and hour later. I guzzled down most of that Sprite but didn't even touch the fries because they would have made me vomit. Doesn't make any sense. And now I am very tired again so I have to go rest. And probably eat. Then rest again from all the eating.

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