Monday, August 25, 2008

Tomorrow, tomorrow....

The first sonogram of my whole entire life is TOMORROW. Hello. Less than 24 hours away. I have a ridiculous amount of questions for my doctor such as...

What the heck is it?
How the heck far along am I?
How the heck many babies are in there?
Do you want to clean my house?
Am I supposed to feel this large at this point?
If I pretend to not know there is caffeine in chocolate, can I still have it on a regular basis?

There are a lot more questions but most of them are gross so I'll spare you. Every day I wake up, I have a list of about 800 things I actually expect myself to accomplish...completely on my own...with no help from anyone whatsoever...but I usually end up eating, doing one thing, then taking a nap. So needless to say, the list is absolutely ginormous right now and ranges from buying a footstool for the desk (so I can lean back slightly while typing so I can't feel my belly as much b/c it's weird and uncomfortable) to installing three more ceiling fans. Obviously my knight in shinning armor...or Hunter as I usually call him...will have to do the things like installing the fans. I tried to help him install one over the weekend but we need to put a brace up for it so it won't spontaneously fall out of the ceiling spraying dry wall and insulation everywhere so we did the smart thing. For the very first time since we have been here (and over a year, mind you) I decided to go up into the attic...while pregnant...during the summer. I never claimed to be a genius. Hunter went up first and I wanted to see so I followed. It was so hot I thought I was going to throw up, stop breathing, and the baby (or babies) was (or were) going to leap out of my stomach all at the same time. I immediately wanted to leave but was terrified to go back down because all of a sudden the ladder was much farther away than it was when I got myself in to the attic. So Hunter had to go down first and guide my huge butt down after him. Seriously, my butt is huge.

Anyway, we decided to get the brace you can shimmy into the ceiling from the room you want the fan in, not the attic and through several hundred feet of insulation. Also on the top of the list is new carpet in the nursery. The cats so lovingly decided to pee on that carpet so it and the padding needs to be replaced in there. I'll be sure to post pictures once we start working on the baby's room. But that won't be for a few months.

Looking forward to tomorrow where I found out exactly what is going on inside of me and how much of it....

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Everything is getting bigger. Everything.

Until recently (like yesterday) I was under the terrible misconception that being pregnant would only involve changes in my belly: namely a cute little bump and the feeling of movement. Oh and I would get to eat everything I wanted. The reality of it is everything- hello seriously everything- decides to go along for the growing ride. My pillow even got bigger (upgraded from a normal person size to a humongous body pillow). When Hunter woke up this morning he said something like, "Did the bed feel crowded to you last night?" And it totally did. Not only are my husband and I sleeping in it, but the baby (and potentially babies) are along with this body pillow that takes up more room than I do. Also, our orange cat likes to sleep in the middle of us at night but now there is not room for her and she is so not happy about it. Eventually she finds a place anyway like Hunter's chest or in between my feet or legs. However, this ridiculously large pillow has TOTALLY revolutionized my sleeping patterns. Now I have something to support my growing belly and to shove between my legs when I can't stand them touching. Funny thing about that...when Hunter came home from work and saw the pillow he said exactly this: "You better put my face on that thing." Moving on...

My appetite is absolutely ridiculous. One minute I will be craving Cheez-its so I shove a few handfuls in my face and the next minute I feel like if I eat one more single cracker I will throw up everything I have ever eaten. I have NOT thrown up so far and really don't think I will. Praise the Lord! But there are still waves of such deliciousness that so lovingly come on me so I have to knock those bad boys right back down. Also, I absolutely have to have anything with potatoes. I could probably have four varieties of potatoes for dinner and be completely satisfied. Mmmm. Delicious.

So yesterday I went to Target for the huge pillow and a few maternity clothes. Despite being surrounded by every college student and their roommate searching for things to fill their dorm rooms, it felt totally normal buying clothes for my growing belly when it seriously looks just a little fat instead of a little pregnant. Totally normal. I got a couple of pairs of jeans- PRAISE GOD- because my other jeans made me want to vomit when I zipped them up. And I totally used to make fun of the stretchy band at the top of maternity pants but now I am undeniably grateful to whomever invented that wonderful piece of gloriousness. It is so unbelievably comfortable that there just aren't words great enough for it in the English language. I also got a few shirts...but not maternity shirts because they fit me like Hunter's robe would fit our fat cat. Which would be not at all. I had to revert to the regular section with all of the sorority girls (not even joking- they were everywhere) carrying their purses with no problem and holding about 1,200 pounds of clothes in one hand while browsing with the other. My cute self, on the other hand, had to push a cart because my purse is entirely too heavy to carry now without getting fatigued and I somehow no longer have the capability to browse for clothes AND hold them at the same time. I would seriously need a nap about every 10 minutes. Insane. So with my purse where the baby goes and two pairs of maternity pants draped on top of them with the elastic band proudly showing, I shoved my cart through the teeny aisles and navigated around sorority girl after sorority girl to find three shirts that I could wear in a bigger size without looking fat but actually look sort of pregnant.

Once I was finished with the clothes escapade, I headed off to find a new light bulb for our fridge (because ours inconveniently burned out- the nerve) and for a huge pillow so I could hopefully sleep through the night and only wake up when my bladder decides it's time. Then all of a sudden I became extremely weak and hungry at the same time. Well, I hadn't eaten for at least 30 minutes so I really should have expected it. Crimeny. So I finish shopping as quickly as possible, this time navigating around a ton of freshmen guys, all with their roommates, all wearing brand new, dark green, UNCC shirts. By the time I got to the car, I was rapidly loosing motivation to continue moving. It started to sound really good to just take a nap in my car until Hunter could get off work and bring me some the form of potatoes. But I'm an over comer so I left the plaza and got all the way to the light...right where I could see the McDonald's across the street but not get to it. I thought I was going to pass out. Doesn't the traffic light system know I'm pregnant? Seriously. Once I finally got through the drive-thru and asked for the biggest fry they could give me...and a sprite because that sounded so freaking good...I shoved that whole box of fries down my throat so fast that the last fry was as hot as the first glorious fried piece of potatoey goodness. By then I was about five minutes from passing the next McDonald's and about 10 minutes from home. And I was still hungry. So I pulled through the second drive-thru of the half hour- I sure did- and ordered another huge fry, a medium sprite and a double cheeseburger (you know, for the protein). I ripped that burger out of it's package so fast it didn't know what hit it. Then I devoured the entire thing in about 35 seconds praising God the entire time for food. A few minutes later I was home and was so exhausted that I had to lay on the couch and rest until Hunter came home from work about half and hour later. I guzzled down most of that Sprite but didn't even touch the fries because they would have made me vomit. Doesn't make any sense. And now I am very tired again so I have to go rest. And probably eat. Then rest again from all the eating.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Samsonite? I was way off!

So I've been telling everyone...seriously, everyone that my first sonogram is a week from today...Thursday the 21st. In my mind it totally was and all was good. Somehow though, reality stepped in for a bit and decided it would be Thursday SEPTEMBER 4th. Waaaaaaay different. It's been more than difficult to hold off these two weeks to find out exactly how far along I am. What's more than excruciating? Really, really ridiculously excruciating? Despite that last brain fart I really am good with words, I really did graduate with an English/Creative Writing degree and I really did teach kids how to read good and do other stuff good a school at least three times the size of the one on Zoolander. Obviously.'s been hard, ok?

So today I decided to do some expert research of my own and cross reference my symptoms with the main frame and hack into this bad boy....also, I googled. Seriously, what else was I supposed to do? So I found out from a website that looked pretty legitimate (don't judge me) that according to my symptoms (tight feeling belly, no weight gain but my pants don't button which is always cute, and mild cramping) that I am more likely about 9 or 10 weeks along right now instead of 6 or 7. Big diff. Mega big diff. This means that I seriously could be showing although only Hunter and I would be able to tell and I need to start doing certain things differently like wearing those sweet elastic banded pants.

I was trying to ignore the fact that my pants wouldn't button comfortably because I thought I was getting fat. Ha ha. Seriously though, I thought I was getting fat. But whenever I would push through the pain like a champ (because, as we all know, there is no crying in baseball...or in wearing tight pants) I would feel so nauseous I really thought I was going to throw up. For real. And not like an 'oh man I don't feel good- maybe this is not a good idea" type of sick. I mean a straight up "if I don't unbutton my pants immediately I am going to hurl all over the place". And I haven't thrown up since second grade so this is kind of a big deal. No, really, it's a big deal. My middle little sister and I have a contest. She hasn't thrown up since first grade but she is only 18 so I'm still ahead. I must win. Other than the tight pants thing, I haven't gotten nauseous so it's looking pretty good.

So back to the main thought here...I was forced to go to the mall and buy big 'ole stretchy pants. It wasn't a good feeling since I was told I am probably at the stage of pregnancy where the baby is the size of a small grape so there ain't no way I'd be showin' yet. But it has GOT to be, like I said, more along the 9 or 10 week point where my uterus (delicious word and consequently very comfortable for most guys to hear) is more like the size of a grapefruit so it's very possible I would be showing a tiny bit. Also, did you know that the Gap has a maternity line? How sweet is that? I totally ordered two pairs of jeans. They will be here next week.

So the only mall near us is Concord Mills...a big outlet mall. I went into the Gap first because of my new found exciting knowledge and asked the girl if they have maternity clothes and I kid you not, she said, "Not anymore (casually glanced down at my belly)- sorry." Wow. That was a special moment. So the only other maternity option at that mall is on the exact opposite side which is about a six day hike. After a few meals and a couple of shaves for Hunter, we found Motherhood Maternity. Now, my first big mistake was that I thought it was a regular, run of the mill maternity store. Not that I really know what that is but still. So I walk in and start wondering around because everything I see is for HUGE bellies and I am just trying to get past the, "No, I'm not fat, I'm pregnant" stage. Finally, Hunter asks, "Do you know what you are doing?" Of course I do. How dare you. So I beeline it over to a girl stocking clothes and say, "Ok. I have no idea what I'm doing." She was really helpful but I did think it was odd that she was REALLY REALLY pushing the sale stuff and not telling me anything about the regular clothes. So I listened while she told me it would be a good idea to look at last season's fall clothes to prepare for next season...wouldn't that be two seasons old at that point?...and showed me the clearance rack while she explained that almost nothing is wrong with them and there is a final sale policy for this rack. Almost nothing wrong? Wait. What? I was totally looking forward to looking totally adorable in my maternity clothes and I already feel fat because that is what I look like right now and now I feel like I'm at Goodwill. This is weird. So I ended up trying on a few things in the dressing room. One pair of dress pants actually looked pretty good...they were from the regular racks...and they didn't make me have to throw up. So I considered it a winner. At this point, any pair of pants that looks halfway decent and doesn't make me have to barf is a golden ticket to happiness. The jeans I tried on felt like cardboard and I'm pretty sure the detailing on the back pockets was picked off so I didn't get those. But I ended up with 1 pair of casual pants, two pairs of dress pants, a dress shirt and a weird tube thing that I can wear with regular jeans and leave them unbuttoned. I don't want to talk about it.

So we are checking out and the guy keeps pushing things like if I sign up for the credit card I can save this much and if I give my due date I can get coupons and blah blah blah. Geeze. They are really pushing this stuff. Just let me have a normal experience and enjoy myself- I'm not trying to nickle and dime my way to a baby. It doesn't work that way. Needless to say, he is all confused when I don't want the credit card, the coupons or the two free issues of Parenting Magazine. He tells me the total like 8 times before he swipes my card and I'm thinking that I don't really care because I am not going to walk around naked when I outgrow my clothes, am I? Seriously.

So when we get home, Hunter tosses the bag of clothes on the bed and I look at it: "Motherhood Maternity- hot fashion, hot prices" This triggers the memory of other maternity store names hanging from the ceiling all over the store that I didn't seem to notice before. So I'm pretty sure I went to the second Ross of maternity clothes. Not the first Ross where everything is normal, but the Ross after the first Ross where all the reject clothes go that used to be $48 and are now $1.20. (That's a real example, by the way.) It was really difficult to find clothes that weren't weird. And I thought I just didn't know what I was doing. That may have been true, but next time I'll try a real store. At least I have pants that won't make me throw up.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Baby Names

So Hunter has picked out names for our quadruplet boys: Leonardo, Donatello, Michelangelo, and Raphael . And, of course, they will be color coordinated appropriately. Turtles in a half shell- turtle power! I just hope that if we end up having a boy he doesn't like he won't try to name him Shredder.

Meanwhile, back in reality, Hunter doesn't know of any girl names that he likes yet so we are going to go get a couple of books this weekend. Also, any girl name I like has already been taken or isn't appropriate. My all time favorite girl name is Lorelai which my cousin totally stole about six years ago when her daughter was born. How dare she. OK, so maybe she didn't know I loved that name and maybe I was 18 or 19 at the time so she wouldn't have cared anyway but the main focus here is that my second cousin is named that so I totally can't use it. I also like Xavier for a boy. Three things on that one: it's not a boy, Hunter hates it, and Hunter's little brother Austin absolutely loves it and has claims on it anyway. That will be the cutest little nephew: Xavier West. So great! I'm actually really excited he wants to use it so badly since I can't use it. Ha ha. But I also like Isabella and as much as I appear to be Hispanic I don't want her friends to tease her for having obviously white parents and a Latina name. So there ya go on that one. And finally, I love the name Elizabeth. But one of my best friends is named Elizabeth so end of discussion.

Suggestions so far on names....

Mikey Wetzel (friend from college who ironically had never tried Life cereal until we bought him some..and Mikey likes it, by the way) suggested Mikey for a boy and Mikea for a girl. Yeah, we'll think about those...

Sairy Sanchez (hermana and friend from college) suggested Sairy Sanchez West. But I didn't want her sister who I am equal friends with to feel left out so I suggested back Sairy Sianneth Sanchez West. That would totally make sense on all levels.

Someone else, I forget who but I think they are on our business team, suggested not naming it until it's like five like people did way back in the day because most kids didn't survive then. So when you figured it was going to stick life out, they finally named it. Also a good idea.

That's it for now although I am pretty sure I feel things happening around the baby which has got to be the oddest sensation ever. Maybe I am farther along than we thought...

Monday, August 11, 2008

Yup, I did that

I just spent two hours reorganizing the pantry. Yup, I did that. Also, I just ate the most delicious potato soup of my whole life. I would have more but I ate it all. The end.

Holy Holy Holy

Holy Holy Holy I'm really having a baby. WOW. And why does my house seem so dirty all of a sudden? Seriously. I can't keep it clean enough. No matter how much I vacuum, the carpet still feels gross. New carpet would be nice. But I don't think Hunter would let me do that every month. Also we have three pets who add to the messiness: a one year old chocolate lab named Bella, a three year old black, gray, white and brown striped cat named Majin (pronounced Maw-gin) and a two year old really fat orange cat named Kimba. Majin is the only one who has figured it out so far. He's the smart one.

We think Majin is the one who is going to be the most protective- but not scary protective like the bad version of the Terminator or anything...just an always-by-your-side kind of protection. Kimba is totally the princess of...the world probably. When we brought Bella home, Kimba was so not happy for about a month. Everytime we made eye contact with her she looked Asain. We are pretty sure her major thought was, "How dare you bring something into my house without my permission." So we think she might be a bit upset about a new human ruling her life. Bella is still a puppy so as long as she has something to chew on she's pretty much happy. Not sure what she is going to do so that should be interesting.

Totally unrelated but totally great: I remember watching Roseanne on Nick at Night in college and Dan had all of his old high school football buddies over for some sort of a reunion. They were all bragging about the most painful/crazy things they went through back in the day when Roseanne so gracefully entered the scene. She waits for a pause in the convo and says, "Well one time I went to the hospital and a few hours later, a human being came out of me."

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Two lines = a baby

Thar she blows! The first realness of knowing I was pregnant...the second pink line is faint but don't underestimate her because I am still just as pregnant. So exciting! And I appologize if this is gross to anyone but I think it's beautiful so I posted it. :o) Also, if you are super curious like I totally would be, you can click on the pic for a huge view.

6 weeks?

So they tell me I am either 5 or 6 weeks as of last Thursday which means I go in in two weeks for my first sonogram (among other not so fun things) and to get a due date. But it will be born sometime in May or June. Also, I told Hunter that my feeling was it is a girl. Then he told me his feeling was it was a boy. Then he changed it to twin boys. Then quadruplet boys. Then I gave him a look and he changed it back to twin boys. We will find out eventually. Oh, and I am totally finding out the sex as soon as humanly possibly. I must know.

Side note: I am eating more than Hunter (which is ridiculous) and am single-handedly responsible for increasing our water bill because I am in the bathroom more than anywhere else. Insane. Plus everything is loud. And I can smell anything and everything and it all smells bad. I had no idea this all started so soon.

I feel wierd

Have you ever woken up in the morning and thought, "Hmmm. Something is growing inside of me."? It's a wierd thought. So Wednesday I was on the never ending conquest to rearrange things in our house and suddenly remembered that my monthly cleansing cycle (sorry, men but it happens) which was supposed to so gloriously start on Sunday had yet to rear it's head. That got me to thinking. Which made me realize I didn't remember last month's glory time. Interesting. So I took a home pregnancy test which turned out POSITIVE. Let me say that again: POSITIVE. Did you get a little dizzy? Because I sure did. Once my brain started functioning again I made an appointment at the OB/GYN for Thursday morning.

Thursday morning comes and I wake up about 85 times thinking I hear my alarm but somehow end up five minutes late for the appointment. As I'm waiting in extreme anticipation for the lady to call me back, a little baby in the waiting room starts screaming. Not sure how I feel about this. Finally they call me back but I haven't sucked down enough water to make a go at the test so I get to wait some more. Waiting is NOT my favorite. I'm sitting in the back waiting room furiously drinking water and trying to act normal (as if this is normal) wondering which way I want the test to swing. Finally I decide it's already done whatever it is and I try to focus my attention elsewhere. But that's not very easy considering women at every stage of pregnancy are constantly walking by me. Every time this happens I smile and think, "Don't mind me. I'm not even sure if I'm part of the club yet."

Finally I'm ready for the test, everything comes out fine and I leave the bathroom to venture for my second waiting room seat. As I walk out the bathroom door two things happened almost simultaneously: A very pregnant lady (I'm talking HUGE bump) walks in and closes the door just as my nurse walks around the corner to grab the delicious sample. So I get to wait some more. Holy cow. This is out of control. The pregnant lady finally emerges from the bathroom and my nurse grabs the sample. Well, probably not "grabs" because that would have very wet results. Ick.

Eventually my nurse comes around the corner with a "Yep, you are deffinately pregnant." Wow. Not a, "Guess what?!" or even a, "You are pregnant." but slaps on a big 'ole "deffinately". Somehow this makes it seem more solidified. But I guess if I am going to be pregnant I might as well "deffinately" be.