So anyway, we have each bought him one thing. I started it by walking through Target one day trying to buy some time before I had to be somewhere else. And then I saw it: the most adorable pair of shoes you will ever see in your whole life...with orange which is Hunter's favorite color...and on clearance so it would have been silly not to buy it, right? I got Parker infant shoes. I totally did. He won't ever walk in them because he won't be able to walk when his feet are that small. The bottoms of those shoes will never even touch the ground but oh man are they adorable!
And, of course, the cat is all up in my business. It's her job...I'm pretty sure. I can put anything new down in the house and she will literally appear out of nowhere to investigate. She's like a ninja.
And then the other day Hunter and I went to Old Navy to get me some more clothes because it stopped being cute to wear shirts that ride up my belly when I moved out of backwoods country Indiana. Also, Old Navy is one of the stores that puts the maternity section inside of the baby section but we did really good while I was shopping. It was when we came out of the dressing room and saw the huge wall of baby clearance that did us in.
Now I have to pause from the story to give you very important information: Hunter has this thing for clothes that couldn't possibly match any other article of clothing on the planet. I don't know what it is but it's his absolute favorite thing. His wardrobe and closet are full of plaid shorts, plaid shirts, shirts with odd colors, and his all time favorite- the bright blue and orange Hawaiian print shirt- aka the party shirt. This is real, people. This is the world's busiest, brightest shirt ever created. And Hunter usually tries to wear it with plaid shorts.
So back to the wall of clearance...I was immediately sucked in by some tractor beam and started browsing. Hunter was being strong and tried to pull me away when I found it: the Parker party shirt. It's not as bold as the original party shirt but they would most definitely 'match' according to Hunter's vocabulary. Plus it was adorable and again, on clearance. So Hunter told me to get it pretending he was doing me a favor but I know the truth. He is jacked about Parker growing in to this one.

I am so glad the first shower is in two days because I don't know how much longer I would be able to hold out on buying more of the infant shoes and party shirts.
LOL, you guys sound like me and my husband, and it only gets worse! You see, people don't tend to buy you many items in the 3T - 4T sizes, so you find that there is an actual need to buy the cute clothes, so you head directly to the baby section, and you do your best to stick to the sales & the clearance racks, but then while you're procupied with the affordable clothes your husband or son (or both) comes up to you with a big grin on his face and shows you something irresistable, something YOU never would have found because it's not on sale/clearance, and you cave, because let's face it, you're a softie, and you pay FULL PRICE! And then you see it on clearance 2 weeks later.
little baby shoes and little baby socks are my weakness! i mean, why are they so cute!!
that's hilarious. you two are going to be the funniest parents ever.
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