this is before his first bath....
on the way home!
We will post more pictures soon!
This is what Parker's current room looks like...really I just thought it would be fun to take a pic of my view of the giant belly. So no, that's not the moon or a planet...that is my abdomen that is currently housing a 6.5-7 lb. child. No big deal.
The entrance to Parker's actual room....for those of you that have been up to our house, this is the middle bedroom upstairs. His bathroom is the open door to the left, the man room is to the left of that and the guest room is to the right. Hunter's mom sent those letters to us. Aren't they cute?
This is what it looks like walking into his room. We don't have anything on the walls since we are moving this summer and trying to minimize patching the place up.
I keep picking up the calendar and looking at it as if it's going to either tell me something or I would have something to write in it before he's born. Ha ha.
Parker's closet from a very Parker level view...I can't wait to start using everything!
Parker's clothes...organized by size. His three little robes are on the right and the sizes start at 0-3 months from there over to the left which ends somewhere after a 12 months.
This is Hunter's favorite robe of Parker's....
...and the awesome dinosaur hood...
The diaper and wipe stash....
The top drawer of his changing table complete with newborn diapers that are ridiculously small...
Awesome hamper that Brenda and Kay bought for Parker...
The window valance that matches his bedding...
The travel swing folded up in the closet that the wife of my old pediatrician, and best doctor on the planet, gave us. It's so cute.
The mobile is really plays several songs and makes a lot of different nature noises.
And that concludes the tour of Parker's room. The only thing we have left to do is get the car seat in the car! We are anxiously awaiting his arrival and will be sure to post hospital pictures not long after we bring him home. There are only a few days left to vote on the poll if you want to do so. And now I'm off to do what I currently do
And, of course, the cat is all up in my business. It's her job...I'm pretty sure. I can put anything new down in the house and she will literally appear out of nowhere to investigate. She's like a ninja.
And then the other day Hunter and I went to Old Navy to get me some more clothes because it stopped being cute to wear shirts that ride up my belly when I moved out of backwoods country Indiana. Also, Old Navy is one of the stores that puts the maternity section inside of the baby section but we did really good while I was shopping. It was when we came out of the dressing room and saw the huge wall of baby clearance that did us in.
Now I have to pause from the story to give you very important information: Hunter has this thing for clothes that couldn't possibly match any other article of clothing on the planet. I don't know what it is but it's his absolute favorite thing. His wardrobe and closet are full of plaid shorts, plaid shirts, shirts with odd colors, and his all time favorite- the bright blue and orange Hawaiian print shirt- aka the party shirt. This is real, people. This is the world's busiest, brightest shirt ever created. And Hunter usually tries to wear it with plaid shorts.
So back to the wall of clearance...I was immediately sucked in by some tractor beam and started browsing. Hunter was being strong and tried to pull me away when I found it: the Parker party shirt. It's not as bold as the original party shirt but they would most definitely 'match' according to Hunter's vocabulary. Plus it was adorable and again, on clearance. So Hunter told me to get it pretending he was doing me a favor but I know the truth. He is jacked about Parker growing in to this one.
And here is the sweet carpet that we got for $3 something a sq. ft. when it was originally $10 something a sq. ft. Totally awesome. It's a nice upgrade from the carpet in the rest of the upstairs. The new, urine free padding is resting on top, all ready for installation. You know, you don't really appreciate the concept of 'urine free' until you don't have it anymore. It's a beautiful thing. Now my son will be able to breathe in his new room and not get extremely sick. That's always a nice thing.
That's all for Parker's room. I'll post more updates as things get finished. We have a shower in Tampa this weekend and one in Charlotte in two weekends then one in March sometime. Those should all get nice, healthy urine free updates.