Monday, October 13, 2008

I can't seem to stop

I have gone absolutely crazy with getting the house ready. The man room has been revamped, the nursery is nearly cleared out, crafting projects are underway and the house gets clean practically from top to bottom every day. Pretty much, I am amazing. Also, I get to see Dr. Beaver next week.

The man room used to basically look like this:

OK so maybe I am exaggerating a little bit. But just a little. There were boxes, bins and chests scattered all over the place, most of it having been dug through so there were also piles of stuff everywhere, and a very skinny pathway to walk around in the front half of the room.

But after a few weeks of my awesome hubby helping out, we went through everything and consolidated and organized and made room for my craft table. This allows me to keep the cats from eating the fake berries off of the fall wreath I am making for the front door.
So now the man room looks like this:

There is no question that it is still a man room. Example: the hammock. Which by the way, is totally awesome and comfortable. And there are still piles of stuff but now that doesn't include trash and everything is grouped into sections so stuff can be put away. That's Hunter's desk in the back corner.

That's my craft table in the back corner. The hammock doesn't usually stay out like that. Hunter takes down one side and hangs it up on the wall so we can actually walk in the middle of the room.

So now that we can utilize the man room, I went a little crazy with the nursery. That room had basically turned into the junk room. There were an unbelievable amount of random things on top of the air hockey table (I had no idea it could be used as a real table but it totally was), there was a big file cabinet in the closet which was overrun with papers just everywhere, games in the entire top part of the closet and random I don't know what in every crevice of the room. It basically looked like the disaster fairy stopped by and brought his friend Mr. Tornado. And then they had a wild party.

But as of tonight, it looks like this:

So now the only things that need to be removed are the air hockey table (which is going downstairs), the ceiling fans we have left to put up (which are going in the garage), and the kitty litter boxes (which I would like to get rid of but obviously can't)....and all courtesy of my husband. I love delegating. It's awesome.
The belly bump is getting bigger and I will post pictures of that soon. We just have to remember to do it when Hunter is home. That's the trick. I will also post pics of the crafty things I am making and the sweet pumpkins we carved last night. Next week: Dr. Beaver, OB/GYN.

1 comment:

Katie said...

yay for a new update. you are quite productive! can't wait for baby bump pics!