Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Mrs. Crafty McGafty

Ok, so nothing that has anything to do with crafts rhymes with West but what I am trying to convey is I have been bit mega big time by the crafting bug. And the bug is ginormous. The past three or four days have been glorious. I am in the last week of the first trimester (week 11) and all of the terrible nauseous things and lack of any energy whatsoever have completely left town. Thank God. Seriously. I am now able to eat like a normal person (almost) and I have my energy back! Hooray! Now I can actually be a productive member of society again...and also of my house. And that's where the crafting comes in.

I am so stinkin' pumped about all of the fantastic crafty things I am going to make to decorate my house. I literally spent about 6 hours on Joann's.com yesterday getting ideas and learning about the different tools you need for everything. Then I bought a bunch of stuff that will be here mid next week. Then I went to Michael's today to get something to keep me busy in the meantime and filled that tiny little cart up to the brim. It. Was. Awesome.

Also, since I have given up my craft room for the nursery (kind of important) Hunter said I could share his man room until we get another house. How sweet is that. However, it will still be called the man room. I'm cool with that though. Tonight we are going to start setting up in there because it is still full of boxes, bins and miscellaneous odd items that have been randomly taken out of said containers. He is such a great husband! And we finally get to use the random table we have had for several months that had no purpose. Now it has an awesome purpose- a crafting purpose. Most excellent.

Well that's pretty much it for now. I will post pictures as I complete the incredibly sweet projects that are stewing in my now active brain. The next prenatal visit is a week from today and hopefully they will do another ultrasound so we can find out for sure if there are twins in there. I am still convinced. Even more now that I can feel the hardness of the growing uterus and it is not just in the middle, but across from hip to hip....which would be about the right size for twins. So there ya go. Also, I will post pictures of the belly bump soon...well, at some point before I give birth.

1 comment:

Diamond Lisa said...

Wow Sam! I can definitely tell now that your major was creative writing. I would be exhausted just typing all that stuff. Seriously, congrats on the babies!!! Let's make that girl babies. I can't wait to see you guys changing diapers, not getting sleep due to screaming babies, cleaning up spit, etc., etc... No, really I can see you having two wonderful little girls who sleep through the night and have wonderful dispositions. They'll never do any of those baby things. You'll both be really great parents!
Lisa Wilson (your awesome diamond upline)