Tuesday, September 23, 2008

And the doppler says....

So today was my second prenatal visit of my whole life. And it was pretty good, I might add. I got to keep my clothes on which is always a bonus, I lost two pounds (and not due to throwing up praise GOD) which is actually good because there was some weight to loose when I got preggers, and I got to hear the heartbeat which is always exciting.

She started out her part of the appointment (by this time I had waited, been weighed, then peed...you think they would let me pee first to give me an edge but whatever) by asking various questions. I think she was basically trying to find out if there was still a baby in there and how sick I had been. So I let her know (by answering her series of questions) that there is, indeed, still a healthy baby living inside of me and I had not actually gotten sick.

Then I turned the tables and said, "I'll be asking the questions, lady." Ok, not really but that sounds kind of cool. But I did ask her questions...after she saw I had a notepad out and asked if I had them. She was totally in charge the whole time....which I guess is good because if I was in charge, I would walk in, look in a mirror and say, "Yep, I look pretty good and huge." And that would be the end of my appointment. But I digress. So back to my questions...they were either too boring or personal to post for all the world to see (or maybe just my fanatical sorority sisters and three family members who actually read this) but the most important question of all: is it still possible for there to be twins? Because I seriously think there are two babies in there.

Which brings me to the next event of the morning. This time there was no ultrasound but they did use the doppler which was cool and weird at the same time. My midwife spread the jelly looking stuff on my belly and then proceeded to probe the areas where the baby could be nesting. So odd. But then I heard the heartbeat and it's so fast...162 beats per minute I think is what she said. And it was as far on my right side as it could possibly be. Then she probed around a lot more and we heard my heartbeat...in two places...the baby's again and nothing else. So alas, I am with only one child.

As cool as it would be to have twins, I am so relieved that there is only one the first go around because I was really starting to panic. All at once I realized that I had no idea how to equally give my undivided attention to both babies at once, two babies means two of everything, two high chairs, two cribs, etc, and how am I supposed to feed both babies at once? It was too much considering I have no idea what I am doing. So I am very glad there is only one this time. Although I do want twins in a later pregnancy...because I can totally control that and everything.

So I asked my midwife why I was so humongous. She told me I wasn't (ok, yeah right) then said it's just how I'm made and all the baby living is pushing all of my insides up and out so that is why my belly is bigger than what it would be just for the baby itself. Also, the baby is about the size of a large lime, I am at 12 weeks right now and am supposed to be able to feel movements around 16-18 weeks. The baby is constantly moving but it's not big enough for me to feel that yet. Also, it is pushing everything up into my right ribs. That doesn't sound comfortable because it's not.

I got a lot of details on the labor and delivery like what hospital, what the rooms are like, etc. And next visit (in four weeks) I start the cycle of going through each of the doctors because my midwife has a different certification that doesn't allow her to actually deliver. Soooo sad. So now I get to choose a dude which is weird for me but I guess when that day comes I won't really care who is there as long as someone is helping me get it out. And the best ending note of the blog so far: when I went to set my next appointment, I told them I didn't care who I saw first so she set me up with Dr. Beaver. NOT kidding. Beaver, you guys. Dr. Beaver, OB/GYN.


Jenni said...

Yeah, the doctor who delivered Shandra (from high school) when she was born was Dr. Harry Beaver. I guess with a name like Beaver, your career path is set in stone. :)

Katie said...

great update! that's so cool you could hear the heartbeat. : )

AK said...

Come one, come all, let's all do the beaver crawl...

Sooooo, would it be completely inappropriate of me to make sure you and Hunter are 100% familiar with the lyrics to aforementioned song? In case you get bored in the delivery room and decide to do a little chanting?

Two, three, let's all climb the beaver tree...

Trina Evans said...

Hey I sooo did not steal your girl name. And by the was it's spelled Loralei and it's the perfect name for my perfect child(ha ha). You could always name your daughter Loralei II but we would always know who the original was. Seriously your blogs are too funny and can I say eeww that you pictured your pee on the stick. I didn't need that visual I totally believed you already. Also I bought you a present but I'm such a procrastinator that I don't know if it'll ever end up in the mail. I found a spoon handle ring, can you believe it, for you not the baby. Baby jewelry is a big no-no, I don't care what anyone else says. Let you daughter ask for her ears to be pierced then you have a complete bonding moment picking out earrings at Claire's instead of shrill baby screams and the baby thinking why the hell is my mother tortuing me. I know you want people to know it's a girl when the bald thing tends for people to say stupidly how cute your "baby Boy" is when clearly she is in head to toe pink. But seriously wait to pierce, choking happens, I know it's paranoid but trust me, you need once less thing to have to worry about. Since I stole your name(not), I give you my other choices if I were to have more children, which I clearly do not want to do because I've regained my senses(JK). I love the name Cordelia and Eveangeline. Do want you want but it's fun to make suggestions. Another piece of advice, if you do find a name you totally love don't share it with anyone because people will most certainly have opinions and sometimes it's best not to hear it. Usually after the baby has arrived and is named peple tend to say how nice and just zip it. Well can't wait to get more updates and I'm sure you just love my words of wisdom. Love you guys! TRINA( also a really great name)