Thursday, January 15, 2009

Pictures of Parker!

On Monday, Hunter and I got to do a 4D Ultrasound for Parker. I have no clue why it's called 4D when really it's 3D. You have your standard 2D, black and white ultrasound which is what I have posted before. Then we apparently jump right from the land of two dimensional to the land of time...the fourth dimension. Why we forgot about the land of three dimensional objects is beyond me. But that is what it really is...a 3 dimensional image of Parker...which is insane.

The ultrasound tech was telling us that she has compared her 4D Ultrasound pics to what her now 3 month old actually looks like and said it's really the same thing. They actually look like what the 4D image shows us. Crazy, huh? So now we know what Parker looks like and he is totally handsome and adorable all at the same time.

She took about 30 pics but I have posted the best four because most of them are hard to tell what everything is. Also, before the ultrasound started, she asked what the sex was and we told her a boy. Her response was, "Ok, we will just make sure today." My mind started to panic. The night before we had just spent six hours trying to finish a baby registry for a BOY. Not a girl...but a boy. And we still had about two hours to go...and that doesn't include the two hours or so we spent starting the registry. This thing was INTENSE. Do you have any idea how much stuff a baby needs? I didn't. Not at all. And it's all expensive. Unless, of course you don't mind your baby crashing down in a cheap swing, crib, changing table, or whatever- in which case it's not so much expensive but moderately priced...most of the time anyway. There are still some totally cheap baby things that are expensive. So needless to say, my brain started to repeat something like, "I just spend six hours on his registry and it's not even finished! SIX hours! You can't make me change it!" But long story short, she ended up showing us his glorious boy parts and let me tell you, he is definitely a boy. And on with the pictures...

This is the side of Parker's face. His cheeks are so chubby and adorable and he has his daddy's nose. So precious! You can also see part of his little body with an arm in the lower left corner and a knee in the lower right corner.
This is his hand. He kept putting it right in front of our vision so we kept trying to move him around. His face his hiding behind it and there is a knee in the lower middle.

This is another of his face. His eyebrows are furrowed a bit and his mouth is frowning because we kept poking my stomach to get him to move. He didn't like that too much. Haha.

Another of his face. It's so crazy that we can see all of the details! You can see part of an arm but it looks like it's cut off because the image didn't pick up that far. But let me assure you, he has all of his body parts. Haha.

And that concludes the tour of my very large uterus. Let's see...I am in the first part of the 7th month which is in the third trimester and Parker right now weighs almost 3 pounds and is almost 16 inches long. He can blink, cough, swallow, and even dream now. And also make me have to pee about every 15 minutes because he has started to position himself into the head down position. It's really fun when his head is pushing into my bladder and his feet are pushing into my lungs or stomach. The boy is getting long and capable of amazing things. Ha.
I am in love with slip on shoes and days that don't require socks as my protruding belly has now officially stopped me from touching my feet. I also love the fact that I can pay someone to groom and paint my toes for me and it's totally normal. AKA the nail salon. It totally rocks that it's cold outside because I am incredibly hot a lot and can just step outside into a giant refrigerator and instantly feel better. So awesome. And although I've started to get gradually more uncomfortable, it's all minor stuff. Overall, I feel great as long as I can regularly eat things that don't go together and sit down when I need to. I can't believe that he is supposed to arrive into the world about 12 weeks from now. It's hard to imagine not being so close to him all the time but at least I will get to sleep on my stomach again. :o)

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Super Awesome Baby Shower Invites

My mom is throwing me a shower in Florida and we designed the invites the other day. And they totally rock so I wanted to show them off. Also, we named him. :o) The End.